Posts Tagged ‘In the News’

3 Peaks Heads to the 2010 Winter Olympics

February 12th, 2010 by Dawn

We’re excited to share the news that 3 Peaks founder, Tom Steitz, is in Vancouver, B.C., for the 2010 Winter Olympic Games this month.

Tom has very special ties to the U.S. Olympic Nordic Combined, having coached the team through five Olympics from 1988 through 2002. This time Tom is at the Olympics not as an official coach, but as a commentator for Universal Sports/NBC Universal. He’ll also be playing the role of informal advisor to and supporter of many of his former team members, including Todd Lodwick, Bill Demong and Johnny Spillane.

The news media seems to be picking up on the fact that the U.S. Nordic Combined didn’t go from “worst in the world” to top-ranked overnight. This week both Reuters and The Wall Street Journal published stories that highlight Tom’s leadership of this team over the years, and what it took to go from “worst in the world” in 1988, to where they are today.

Tom will be sharing some of his experiences and observations from his front row and behind the scenes access to the Olympics here, which you can check out here or get updates through Facebook by becoming a “fan” of 3 Peaks. We invite you to follow his adventures, and tune in to see what lessons we can all glean from this year’s Olympic athletes, teams and coaches.